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Wednesday 31 May 2017

INFO Pra Khun Paen Sadetklap(游泳坤平Swimming Khun Paen) Be2506. Archan Chum Chai Khiri/LP SuPa/AJ Uthai AJ Chum

2506Saneet Krab神尼甲落海法会佛牌(遊泳坤平)(LP Supa蜘蛛王、阿赞仲,  阿贊務泰
     2506神尼嘎法会是由LP Supa(蜘蛛王)、阿赞仲以及阿赞Sutaisi为主导的,是为了筹款协助修建Wat Sa Lod的,当时寺庙已经破旧不堪,急需资金重建。
“神尼甲"其實是的 泰語"เสด็จ กลับ" 的譯音: SadedKlub 是為"回頭,回來"的意思, 而 “神尼夾" 代表配帶者不論在外發生任何意外、橫禍、危險、天災…最後都一定會把佩帶人平安帶回家中,由此可見SadedKlub佛牌具有多種不凡力量, 據說能幫助佩帶的人克服困難,達成一切正望。
     这期佛牌LP Supa将多年修苦行戒时所收集的圣土、木、石等千多种原料奉献出来,而阿赞仲也将自己所收集的不下千种的铸佛原料奉献出来,这一期共督造了八万四千尊佛牌。这八万四千尊佛牌被划为两批,一批是LP Supa的,有LP Supa自身、坤平和帕洛;另一批是阿赞仲的,有七龙佛、阿赞通淘、LP空、LP Ling、坤平、必达以及珠链。
    一切准备好后,在佛历2506年11月20日吉时开始进行铸佛仪式。经过一个月的时间,于12月22日终于将八万四千尊佛牌铸好。并于2506年12月23日上午九点正,在Wat Sa Lod的大雄宝殿举行加持法会,有LP Supa点法会主烛。法会还邀请了数位法师级的乩童,他们奉请了天上诸神仙降灵。当然不可少的是由阿赞仲奉请,真身降灵的坤平将军及其师傅广打公。这次法会总共邀请了数百位高僧加持,仪式一共进行了七天七夜。
     除了正常的加持法会以外,此期佛牌还抽取了部分,进行了一个很特别的落海法会。当时LP Supa领回Wat Kao Sile的佛牌,信众并不太热衷。LP Supa突然想起曾经跟LP蜀大师学过的“回驾术”(Saneet Krab),其意为皇上摆驾回宫,但这词在佛牌上,就等于是“将军打胜仗,凯旋而归”之意。
     当时这个法会阿赞仲等大师纷纷前来鼎力协助。当法会进行至一半后,LP Supa叫阿赞仲等法师将几箱佛牌搬上船,大概三千多尊。将船行驶到离岸边大约两三公里,将佛牌抛向海中,然后乘船回到岸边。而LP Supa就在此时禅定加持佛牌,并诵念回驾咒。当时围观的村民都为倒进大海的佛牌感到惋惜。打坐禅定已经超过一个小时,没有任何动静,村民们都想这回应该没戏好看了~过了一会,突然听到特意为法会搭建的木架传来“啪~啪~”的声响。仔细一看,原来是佛牌,佛牌真的“游”回来了。现场的人都看得目瞪口呆。阿赞仲与助手们立刻把“游”回来的佛牌收集起来。直至黄昏,所有倒进大海的佛牌都“游”回来了。在此要说的是,当时倒佛牌的位置,海流方向并不是流向海岸的哦!!所以这期佛牌又有“会游泳的佛牌”的称呼。

Pra Khun Paen Sadetklap, LP Supa with Phithee Sadetklap at Wat Sarod, Bangkok, BE 2506 (CE 1963), made by Archan Chum Chaikiree and LP Supa of Wat Sean Suparam, Phuket. This Pra Khun Paen amulet was kept with Archan Kong at Wat Bansuan, Pattalung Province
BEST FOR: Maha Sanay (brings magic charm), Klawklad Plodpai (brings safety, and pushes you away from all danger), Kongkraphan (makes you invulnerable to all weapon attack), Maha-ut (stops gun from shooting at you), Metta Maha Niyom (helps make people around you love you, be nice to you, and support you), Maha Larp (brings Lucky Wealth), and Kaa Kaai Dee (helps tempt your customers to buy whatever you are selling, and it helps attract new customers and then keep them coming back
This BE 2506 Batch of amulets  includes Pra Khun Paen Soon Ruan Kaew, Pra Rod, figurines and rosary beads of Archan Kong Khun Paen, coins with effigies of LP Supa. The amulets were made of  2000 kinds of Wan Ya (countless type of sacred herb), sacred mineral ore, Pha Yant Sua and Phayant Sing (holy yantra banner of Archan Uthai Doodsriwat), )and Holy Water. The Grand Blessing Ceremony on the raw materials, and the production of amulets of this Batch were at Wat Sarod, Bangkok. The purpose of making this Batch of amulet was for continuation of Buddhism into the future, for the great merit of HM King Bhumibol & HM Queen Sirikit, and Chakri Dynasty, and for Buddhists to believe in the Power of Buddha.
The Ceremonies were on Dec 24, BE 2506 to Jan 24, BE 2507 by many Guru Monks , Somdej Pra Wannarath, Wat Pra Chettupon was Master of Ceremony, also blessed by LP Supa, Archan Chum Chaikiree, Archan Uthai Doodsiriwat, and others…
The Phithee Sadetklap was performed in the middle of the Chao Phaya River in front of Wat Sarod, Bangkok.
Phithee Sadetklap
“SADETKLAB (coming back ceremony) was one of a ritual ceremony that Archan Chum Chaikiree tested on his amulets, he threw  this batch of amulets in the middle of Chao Phaya River in front of the temple of Wat Sarod where the blessing ceremony was held. The 1st Blessing Ceremony was done before throwing amulets into the river, after amulets were under the water, Archan Chum came back to the ceremony shrine in the temple of Wat Sarod and prayed a Khata to ask Naga (a Sanskrit and Pali word for a deity that takes the form of the great snake, often a king cobra, living under the water) in the river and angle in the sky to help him to bring back amulets from the sea, and Archan Chum put a white cloth in the middle of ceremony, amazingly amulets flew themselves back from under  the river and put themselves safely on that white cloth. All people who attained this ceremony had witnessed this miracle.

Wednesday 24 May 2017

SOLD Phra Khun Paen Prai Kanya S/NO. 559. Wat Nong KratiTong.Be2557 [ KP559 ]

Name  名称     :  Phra Khun Paen Prai Kanya S/NO. 559  **COOPER TAKRUT

Temple 寺庙   : Wat Nong Krati Tong

Monk  师父     :Mass Chanted

Year 年份        :BE 2557

Size  尺寸   :25mm X 40mm

Price 恭请价  :  RM                               BBJ

StockCode 货品号码  : KP559

StockStatus 物品状况 :SOLD

LOC   :   BOX  B

Powerful  功能  :Improve Karmic Influences and Increase Wealth, Business Success, Protection, Treasured Possessions.

SOLD Phra Khun Paen.LP Tim Wat Lahanrai/Wat Pailom. BE2514. [TIM14 ]

Name  名称     :  Phra Khun Paen *Certificate of                                  Authenticity.
Temple 寺庙   : Wat Pailom
Monk  师父     :LP Tim (Wat Lahanrai )
Year 年份        :BE 2514
Size  尺寸   :28mm X 45 mm
Price 恭请价  :  RM                                 fej
StockCode 货品号码  : TIM14
StockStatus 物品状况 :SOLD

Many hundreds of different sacred components make up these amulets including amongst others.

108 Herbs and Sedges for Kongkrapan (invulnerabilty) and Metta (Attractiveness)
108 kinds of pollen
Sacred water from 108 temples
Sacred powder from Luang Phor Wong, Wat Barnkai
Sacred Powder and sacred green wax from Luang Phor Tarb, Wat Krabok
Sacred Powder from Luang Phor Peng, Wat Lahanrai
Sacred Powder from Luang Phor Nak, Wat Rakhang
Soil from 9 sacred locations throughout the kingdom, and from various temple cells.Soil from nine sacred locations throughout the kingdom, and from various temple cells
Black rice
Trinisighe powder
Ittije powder
Patamung powder
Maharaj powder
Elephant bone
Lichens and Moss collected from temple pagodas
Sea Coral
Black rice
Powders ground from numerous ancient votive tablets and amulets , including those collected from Kampaengphet, Ayuthya, Sukothai, Suphanburi, Lop-Buri , Pichit etc.
25 Buddha Sattawas amulet powder
Pathom Ackara powder
Traisaranakhom powder
All the sacred materials were  mixed together at the "Buang suang" ceremony held on Saturday 22nd March  B.E.2512 at 09.09 AM, this being a very auspicious day.

Amulets were then hand pressed into moulds.  It was said that some of the amulets were very attractive whereas others were not, but they were all considered sacred

Tuesday 23 May 2017

SOLD Pidta Ner Tagau. LP Toh. Wat Koh Nan.BE2514 [AB03]

****OFFER  RM 80.00 ****
Name  名称     :    Phra Pidta Ner Tagau
Temple 寺庙   :    Wat Koh Nan
Monk  师父     :LP Toh
Year 年份        :Be2514
Size  尺寸   :15mm X 20 mm
 Price 恭请价  :  RM  100.00
Item Code 货品号码  :AB03
Item Status 物品状况 :SOLD
LOC   :   BOX A-2

Mass Chanted by LP Pae, LP Sood, LP Ngern, LP Chaem, LP Nor, LP Thiam, LP Hom, LP Pee, LP Seng, LP Hin, LP Mee, LP Keaw, LP Phong, LP Neuang, LP Uttama, LP Somchai, LP Sim, LP Kong, LP Tae, LP Kae, LP Thong Yoo

Bullet Takrut, Archan Teelek. Wat Khao Sunamo Be 2559 [ AB02 ]

Name  名称     :    Bullet Takrut       
Temple 寺庙   :    Wat Khao Sunamo
Monk  师父     :Archan Teelek Ajahn Teelek AJ Teelek
Year 年份        :Be2559
Size  尺寸   :65 mm
Price 恭请价  :  RM  180.00
Item Code 货品号码  :AB02
LOC  :   BOX B

SOLD Mitmor Ner Samlit(magical knife) S/N.561. LP Prom. Wat Bansuan Be2559 [AB01]

Name  名称     :   Mitmor Ner Samlit Phayak Itthivet S/N.561
Temple 寺庙   :    Wat BanSuan
Monk  师父     :LP Prom
Year 年份        :Be2559
Size  尺寸   :25 mm  X 110 mm
Price 恭请价  :  RM  
Item Code 货品号码  :AB01
Item Status 物品状况 :SOLD
LOC  :   BOX B
This is a superb item followed longtime magic of KowOor (the oldest magic school in Southern Thailand). “Meed Mor Kom Phayak Itthivet”, the holy knife with a tiger handle, magically awful style is an idea of LP Phrom, abbot of Wat Ban Suan who is a descendant magic of KowOor. It is made of several kinds of holy metal such as ancient bronze dug up and collected in the South, metal sheets that guru monks had inscribed holy characters (Yant) and Lek Lai from many caves in Thailand. And importantly, every particle of the knife contains superb magic of KowOor, so you can trust the power.

LP Khoon. Wat Banrai Be2552 [KOON212]

 Name  名称     :   LP KHOON
Temple 寺庙   :    Wat BANRAI
Monk  师父     :LP KHOON
Year 年份        :Be2552
Size  尺寸   :25 mm  X 35 mm
Price 恭请价  :  RM  80.00
Item Code 货品号码  :KOON212
Item Status 物品状况 :Available


Name  名称     :   RIAN LP KHOON S/N.116 ** Yant engraved                               by LP Koon
Temple 寺庙   :    Wat BANRAI
Monk  师父     :LP KHOON
Year 年份        :Be2537
Size  尺寸   :33 mm  X 45 mm
Price 恭请价  :  RM                 AGH
Item Code 货品号码  :KOON213
Item Status 物品状况 :SOLD

Phra Pidta生意兴隆 .LP Khoon. Wat Banrai Be2537 [KOON214]

Name  名称     :   Phra Pidta 生意兴隆 * One Gold Takrut
Temple 寺庙   :    Wat BANRAI
Monk  师父     :LP KHOON
Year 年份        :Be2537
Size  尺寸   :33 mm  X 45 mm
Price 恭请价  :  RM  180.00
Item Code 货品号码  :KOON214
Item Status 物品状况 :Available