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Sunday 19 July 2015

Hong Paa Yong魂魄俑 LP Seng Be 2550

Name  名称     :  Hong Paa Yong魂魄俑

Temple 寺庙   :   Wat Sung Puo

Monk  师父     :LP Seng

Year 年份        :BE 2550

Size  尺寸   :18mm X 25mm

Price 恭请价  :  RM 68.00

StockCode 货品号码  : SEN001

StockStatus 物品状况 :Available

Powerful  功能  : 魂魄俑用来当替身,主人家不在时帮忙看守家里,防盗,防降头,防邪灵,求生意兴隆,无需特别供养,只是以白酒答谢。Hoon Pa Yong is meant as a spiritual bodyguard to guard your asset from theft, and to protect you from the harm of black magic and evil spirits.

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